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Are you Making the Right Choice?

By: Chad Christensen

Mycotoxin control is a common subject between a dairy and their nutritionist.  

Choosing the right product to accomplish goals of a dairy will set the stage 
for performance of the herd.  Making the right choice is key.  Questions that 
arise are what you may expect: 

• Do we need mycotoxin control?
• What are our options? 
• What does it cost?   

A nutritionist I was meeting with recently pointed out that over 80% of the 
herds he works with will always feed a mycotoxin control product, not because 
feed analysis confirmed mycotoxins were present, but as an insurance policy.  
He commented, “The higher the production, reproduction and other herd 
management goals, the higher the need for insurance because the herd is 
stressed already from the higher expectations.  Having higher expectations 
from the herd means there is more to lose from effects of mycotoxin 
exposure”.  This is very common in most dairy rations today.

When a nutritionist asks me why they should choose DTX over trying to bind 
the mycotoxins, these key points come to mind:    

DTX is Broad Spectrum- DTX is an L-Form bacteria treating the cow to 
“recognize” mycotoxins as a poison and not be absorbed.  This makes it broad 
spectrum for all types of mycotoxin control so the cow can be ready for 
challenges when mycotoxins try to enter the bloodstream. Sampling feedstuffs 
routinely can give us an idea of how many mycotoxins are present and at an 
approximate level; that, however, does not guarantee every cow in the herd is 
getting a particular mycotoxin or the exact dosage of mycotoxin poisoning 
daily.  These amounts can, and do, vary.  Also, rations, feedstuffs, weather, 
and many other changes occur often on a dairy.  Therefore, trying to find the 
right binder or multiple binder doses can be costly, time consuming and 

DTX will not tie up essential nutrients- It is common to see a lack of results 
from binder’s fed at low inclusion rates.  Higher rates get fed looking for 
results, however, binder’s are not fussy what they bind and tying up essential 
nutrients is a risk.  Treating the cow with DTX eliminates that risk.
DTX is Economical-   It is common to replace multiple doses of binders in the 
ration with a single dose of DTX concentrate to save money and see better results!

Many nutritionists today are utilizing the biological approach of mycotoxin 
control DTX offers.  Ask your Agrarian Solutions representative to explain how 
DTX can be the right choice for you. 

DTX is on special March 1st- April 30th, 2018. Buy 5, Get 1 Free!