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Breaking Through Dairy Production Barriers

Caroline Knoblock, MSc, - Director of Nutrition, Agrarian Solutions and Larry Roth, Ph.D., PAS - Vice President of Nutrition Through genomics we have been able to estimate that today’s dairy cows have the genetic potential t...

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Heat Stress and Cows: Not A Good Combination

Larry Roth, Ph.D., PAS - Vice President of Nutrition, Agrarian Solutions and Caroline Knoblock, MSc, - Director of Nutrition While summertime may be relaxing to some people, summer’s heat stress (HS) can be devastating to da...

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Research Review: 2024 ADSA meeting

Larry Roth, Ph.D., PAS - Vice President of Nutrition, Agrarian Solutions and Caroline Knoblock, MSc, - Director of Nutrition The 2024 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting was held June 16-19, 2024 in West...

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Which Came First: Ketosis or a Health Challenge?

Larry Roth, Ph.D., PAS - Vice President of Nutrition, Agrarian Solutions and Caroline Knoblock, MSc, - Director of Nutrition Dairy nutrition researchers and consultants have been kicking around for some time the subject of k...

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Where did the extra milk come from?

Larry Roth, Ph.D., PAS - Vice President of Nutrition, Agrarian Solutions and Caroline Knoblock, MSc, - Director of Nutrition Independent research confirms 25 years of field experience for DTX's effectiveness for providing my...

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Economic Implications of Binders on Dairy Diets

Production dairy diets are formulated to optimize nutrients and costs to achieve the desired milk production, health and reproductive goals. Recent ingredient and TMR analyses across wide regions of the United States have s...

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Mycotoxin Myths

Written By: John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP Vice President, Science & Technology As well-known as mycotoxins have become in animal agriculture, there are some recurring myths needing correction so a producer can make goo...

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The Brahma Connection

Written By: John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP Vice President, Science & Technology Dairies around the world generally seek breeds which produce specific traits in milk production and constituents. Holstein, Guernsey, Jerse...

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The Challenge of Sampling for Mycotoxins

Written By: John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP Vice President, Science & Technology Back in the early 1960’s, when the news of aflatoxin was just ‘going viral’, a team of agricultural engineers went to work on determining t...

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Biocycle Plus: Performance Matters

By: Chad Christensen, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative I have been working with the Agrarian Solutions line of products for many years. The proprietary L-Form technology is used in multiple species of all...

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Utilize BioFresh Bolus in Every Fresh Cow Protocol

By: Chad Christensen, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative Most dairies today have a protocol to follow for fresh cows. It typically involves a calcium bolus along with a product to aid in gut health and rumi...

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Convert™ - Not your ordinary DFM

By: Chad Christensen, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative I often get questioned about why Convert is different than other calf products. In short, as I would say about all of Agrarian Solutions’ products, i...

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Gut Wars: DTX Strikes Back

Last summer I wrote a piece on how DTX works to mitigate mycotoxin challenges in feed; the mechanism is all related to triggering a natural defense system in the cow’s intestines. Last month a colleague, Dan, reminded us ...

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No Harm, No Foul?

Dan Hoying - Regional Sales Manager - Agrarian Solutions In my younger days growing up on a dairy farm, we played basketball in the barn’s hay mow ‘gymnasium’ and players called their own fouls. The rule was if no blood (h...

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Everyone Knows

John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions Conventional wisdom in the mycotoxin world says that a non-lactating bovine is probably less sensitive to dietary mycotoxins t...

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Keep On Ticking

Scott Zehr - Business Development Manager Founded in 1854, the Waterbury Clock company became the leader in American clock making. 40 years before the Model-T, they were mass-producing clocks at an affordable price of $6. ...

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Great Expectations...for Mycotoxins

John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions Charles Dicken’s classic novel, Great Expectations, is a coming-of-age story, which, through successes and failures of its cha...

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One Plus One Equals...?

The immune system of the cow, or you, for that matter, is an amazing piece of evolutionary success. Think of almost any other biological function in your heifer and you will find her immune system is intimately intertwined ...

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Double Down on Dublin

John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions Perhaps you saw it. Dairy Herd Daily (April 20, 2020) ran an article on the rise of Salmonella dublin on mid-west dairy farms....

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What's In It For The Calves?

John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions We put a lot of emphasis on protecting cows from the impacts of fungal toxins in feed. We’re interested in reproductive succes...

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Agrarian Update

Mark Lantz, Vice President Operations - Agrarian Solutions The last several months have certainly been interesting for nearly everyone on this planet. Everything was disrupted. Churches, retail establishments, summer camps...

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Genie In A Bottle (Jar)

Dan Hoying - Regional Sales Manager - Agrarian Solutions Every producer is taking a hard look at their expenses these days. They sometimes make cuts that they know will hurt cow’s performance, then hope to find “a Genie in...

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Handle the Adversity

Greg Muchmore - Regional Sales Representative - Agrarian Solutions Adversity is not new to the dairyman – they face adversity every day and sometimes, like we are now experiencing with the coronavirus epidemic, adversity a...

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Be prepared for the market, good or bad

John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions As a microbiologist, when I read the trades and see articles highlighting a prospective upturn in milk prices I don't know whe...

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DTX™ - A Better "Insurance Policy"

By: Chad Christensen, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative Mother nature had a major impact on agriculture in 2019. A very wet fall made harvest very difficult in most parts of the country. It has certainly b...

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Getting More For Your Money

Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions In many past communications I’ve mentioned the ‘extra’ value customers will find in our L-Form-based dairy products line. ...

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Convert To The Rescue

By: Dan Hoying, Regional Sales Representative, Agrarian Solutions In a perfect world, a pregnant cow (dairy, beef) spends her last several months in a stress-free world, eating a nutritionally complete diet. She is the ben...

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Be Careful How You Interpret Mycotoxin Results

Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions Recently I wrote about our mycotoxin testing service. I hope you took that one to heart and, if new to us, have since tri...

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By: Greg Muchmore, Regional Sales Representative - Agrarian Solutions The silo is full, bunker is packed and covered, last cutting of hay is in, and it’s time to get that new ration fine-tuned. You call your nutritionist ...

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It’s Not A Game

Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions But, let’s play a game anyway. After nature threw all of her weather weapons at you, I’m hoping you have been able to cut...

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Convert: One dose, one protocol

By: Chad Christensen, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative For years producers from coast to coast have relied on Agrarian Solutions' Convert technology to ensure success in calf programs. Giving calves Conve...

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What’s up with somatic cell counts?

Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP - Vice President, Science and Technology - Agrarian Solutions A while back, the phrase “history repeating itself” came to mind as I saw the planting progress stats for corn and soybean...

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What's Happening at Agrarian Solutions®?

Mark Lantz, Vice President Operations - Agrarian Solutions Many familiar with Agrarian Solutions do not realize the global reach and the multiple species served by the company. Our vision to be a leading global provider ...

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The Real McCoy

By: Dan Hoying , Regional Sales Representative - Agrarian Solutions Years ago a nutritionist said to me “I would much rather feed cows during a good milk price vs. a low price. When milk price is low, producers cut valuab...

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Enhanced Immunity for Better Production

By: Chad Christensen, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative As I work with herds and nutritionists across the Midwest, I often see how common it is in the industry to choose a mycotoxin control product and the...

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A Walk In The Park?

By: Greg Muchmore, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative The first 21 days of a calf’s life is no walk in the park. We all know it’s very important to get high quality colostrum and/or a colostrum replacer/bo...

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Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

By: Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D, PAS, Dpl. ACAP, Vice President, Science and Technology That title is a ‘near’ quote attributed by microbiologists throughout the world to Louis Pasteur. It simply means that the better you know y...

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Mycotoxin Awareness - 2018 Harvest Challenges

By: Chad Christensen, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative For many, the 2018 harvest created challenges. Above normal rains fell in September in most parts of the country. The window to harvest high quality ...

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Mitigating Factors

By: Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D, PAS, Dpl. ACAP, Vice President, Science and Technology As of this writing (9/18), I’m told that the coastal portion of North Carolina will likely contend with another 8-10 days of actively floodin...

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Many Factors Affect Performance

By: Dan Hoying, Agrarian Solutions - Regional Sales Representative There are many factors that affect performance in production animals(dairy-beef). Overcrowding, nutrition and environment all factor into the performance ...

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Ready to “Double-Down”?

By: Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D, PAS, Dpl. ACAP, Vice President, Science and Technology Here’s a simple math problem. One dose of some unnamed binder (for which you pay 6.5 ¢/head/day) will tie up 300 ppb of DON. Your test show...

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BioFresh Bolus

By: Rob Hamaker, Vice President Sales & Marketing Several common metabolic events stem from one common factor, cow’s appetite. Whether it’s erratic intakes or off-feed, these can lead to metabolic disorders such as displac...

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Agrarian Solutions - Mycotoxin Testing

By: Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP When you need to verify a mycotoxin challenge, your first thought is to find a good commercial lab with reasonable pricing and methodology you can place some trust in. Sounds e...

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Optimize Digestion This Summer

OPTIMIZE DIGESTION THIS SUMMER By: Greg Muchmore I was recently walking through free stalls with a prominent nutritionist- checking cow condition, checking manure, etc and we noticed some corn and fiber particles showing up...

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Probability and the Light Switch Effect

By: Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP I can't begin to count the number of times I've been asked for the 'research' on a product. That's a fair request, but sometimes the reasons why the response is limited are also ver...

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Are you Making the Right Choice?

By: Chad Christensen Mycotoxin control is a common subject between a dairy and their nutritionist. Choosing the right product to accomplish goals of a dairy will set the stage for performance of the herd. Making the righ...

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Calf Management- Proactive or Reactive?

By: Greg Muchmore In January’s article, my mid-western colleague Dan Hoying shared excellent information regarding physiology of the newborn calf and the challenges it faces – especially in the first three weeks of life. If...

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Convert; Value to Feeding Calves

By: Dan Hoying Calves are a dairy’s future source of income and are the result of investing in genetics. Proper investments of time and effort to calf raising will pay off for future success. Newborn calves are born with n...

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Mycotoxins and MicroNutrients

By: Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP I want to return to an issue from a few years ago about DON in dairy cows and the influence on vitamins and minerals it has. There are many mycotoxin-related circumstances that...

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Remember to Feed'em Fast

By: Chad Christensen When it comes to the first feeding there are many critical factors involved in order to achieve success and have a healthy calf, this of course sets the stage to make a healthy cow with a long producti...

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Mycotoxin Reflections

By: Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP Finish line in sight? Herds may need assistance now to prevent mycotoxin problems later. Back in early July I wrote a Mycotoxin Reflections piece that looked at how the corn crop sto...

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The Benefits of Feeding BioCycle Plus

By: Greg Muchmore BioCycle Plus is designed to provide three major benefits to ruminants: -Improve the fermentation process in the rumen which allows more complete digestion -Modulate the immune function -Offset the n...

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Bolus Battles Complexity

By: Dr. John Doerr, Ph.D., PAS, Dpl. ACAP I confess. I’m in a mood to do a bit of musing this morning. Just read an interesting and important editorial: Dairy Herd Management, “Meat of the Matter: Disease – Thy Name is Com...

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BioFresh Bolus: Stress Free Transition

By: Dan Hoying The transition success or lack thereof generally correlates to the reproduction and production success or lack thereof during a cow’s lactation. Every dairyman understands there is no more important time in a ...

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Build Immunity as an Adjunct to Mycotoxin Control

Build Immunity as an Adjunct to Mycotoxin ControlJohn A. Doerr, PhD Let’s talk briefly about one way your cows defend themselves against mycotoxins. Without getting too technical, in each absorptive cell (enterocyte) of the...

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Why Select BioCycle?

By: Chad Christensen There are many products in the market today for Immune Modulation, so why Select Biocycle? The Select Biocycle L-Form Technology is more than other Direct Fed Microbials. Often conventional DFMs are f...

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Mycotoxin Reflections

John A. Doerr, PhD With a couple of colleagues, I ran a research study some years ago. It was a comparison of the individual and combined effects of aflatoxin and ochratoxin in a chicken model. The outcome was basically thi...

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Dairy Cows – Common Challenges

Is your herd dealing with environmental challenges? Are you losing out on milk production because of unhealthy cows? Problems in your feed could be hurting your animals and negatively affecting your bottom line. If you have ...

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The Benefits of Select DTX - Testimonial

“We used Select DTX on a group of replacement heifers that had been fed grain since weaning. Within a week of feeding DTX to the heifers they had a lot more bloom and eye appeal.”  “I was really sold on DTX when we fed it to ...

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Icy Tips for Newborn Calves

Icy Tips for Newborn Calves * AS SEEN IN DAIRY HERD MANAGEMENT (BY ANNA-LISA LACA, DECEMBER 1, 2016) Calving doesn’t stop in the winter months. It’s extra important to make sure newborn calves have good vitality during the ...

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Mycotoxin Reflections

December 15, 2016 John A. Doerr, PhD Getting ready for your new crop corn silage?  Some time ago interaction of aflatoxin (AF) and ochratoxin A (OA) was studied in chickens. AF birds had big livers were pale to yellow, with f...

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Is a Colostrum Replacer worth it?

Is a Colostrum replacer worth it? Thursday, December 1, 2016 Is a Colostrum replacer worth it? Research confirms that producers should consider using a colostrum replacer to ensure that the potential transfer of pathogens fro...

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