Dairy Cows – Common Challenges
Is your herd dealing with environmental challenges? Are you losing out on milk production because of unhealthy cows? Problems in your feed could be hurting your animals and negatively affecting your bottom line.
If you have been working with dairy cows for long you are aware of the issues that may arise. Anything from diarrhea to ovarian cysts to decreased milk production. So, what is causing these problems and what shows up in your herd to tip you off that there is a problem? More than likely you have a problem with your feed. Molds and toxins often show up in your animal’s intake wreaking havoc on your herds health.
Here are some of the common challenges that you may be facing:
Diarrhea, ketosis, convulsions, irregular heats, low conception rates, ovarian cysts, milk contamination, decreased milk production, mastitis, decreased feed intake and/or efficiency, and elevated somatic cell count.
While you may be taking every precaution possible to make certain that your herd is getting all of the love, care, and attention that they need you may still be experiencing environmental challenges. So, what else can I do? You may be asking. You may need to supplement with some effective feed additives to help combat the environmental challenges that you are experiencing.
Contact your local Select Sires representative for more information.